Bulk Candles

Boost your business by burning candles

Well hello dashing visitor looking for information on bulk candles. I did not realize someone of such sophistication and grace would be visiting today. You’re in luck! This article describes how candles will increase the monthly revenue of your small business using a science- and market-backed approach.

Sound good?

Great! Keep reading for a deep dive or jump ahead for the punchline.

Not exactly what you were looking for?

Visit our Wholesale Candles page for more information on the revenue potential of reselling candles.

If want to learn how to choose the right candle that will appeal to your target customer, I recommend reading “Where to Buy Wholesale Candles.

It doesn’t matter if you operate a retail store, boutique, hotel, restaurant, spa, lake resort, art gallery, supper club, Air BnB, or any other brick and mortar business, my advice is the same.

You should consider bulk candles.

Bulk Candles

Why Consider Bulk CAndles?

Regardless of your business, scented candles are one of the most versatile and inexpensive tools available to enhance your customers’ experience. Research has shown that when customers are in a better mood, they are more likely to spend. That means, for a business owner, creating a pleasant environment for your customers is a no brainer.

How Bulk Candles can improve your customers’ experience

First let’s consider how your customer experiences their environment. You might remember the five senses from grade school

  1. Sight
  2. Smell
  3. Sound
  4. Touch
  5. Taste.

Unlike most enhancements, candles address two of the five senses (sight and smell in case you were wondering).


There is something comforting about seeing the warm glow of a flame burning. 

Sound familiar?

Of course it does! It’s in our DNA! 

Discover magazine reported that being near fire can reduce blood pressure and result in feelings of relaxation. If you want your customers to stick around longer and purchase more of your products and services, making them feel relaxed is a smart move.

Additionally, some bulk candle suppliers offer a beautiful, visually appealing product that will catch the eye of your customers. You can use this to your advantage to bring customers into your store. 

If you are a retailer, this advantage is twofold as you will then be able to make sales to customers who are looking for stylish home décor

Olfactory APPEAL (Smell)

No, I am not trying to say, “old factory,” you read it right the first time. If you are unfamiliar with the term, “olfactory” is just a sciency way of referring to your nose and sense of smell.

How important is smell for your business?

More important than you think!

Consider what you do when you are getting ready to go out and want to look your best. Perhaps it is a formal dinner, an award ceremony, a wedding – any place where you know there are going to be people there and you want to make a good impression.

The first thing that probably comes to mind is making sure you look good (don’t worry darling, with a face like that you are always glowing). But you are also concerned about how you smell (at least subconsciously). Do you shower? Use deodorant? Apply perfume or cologne? Of course you do! Because it’s important.

In fact, research from leading universities suggests that the olfactory system (your nose, remember) plays a significant role in your overall well-being. When we put this research together with the mood studies mentioned above, I think it’s safe to make an obvious conclusion. 

When customers experience good smells, business owners experience the smell of cold hard cash.

Still not convinced?

Well keep reading Bucko because I haven’t even started speaking your language yet. So far, we have discussed the scientific evidence that candles will be good for your business.

But science is only the most effective method of finding truth known to humanity. It may not be your cup of tea. After all, you aren’t a scientist, you’re a business owner! So why don’t we view this from a different angle?

Let’s look at the market.

The US Candle Market

The 2023 US candle market is estimated to be $3.2 billion and is expected to grow 3-5% annually between 2023-2030.

What could be driving this growth you ask?

We evaluated multiple different candle market reports and pulled out a few growth drivers they all agree upon. Not only do these reports corroborate what we, as a candle company, are seeing in the real world, but they are common sense.

As you read them, you will find yourself thinking, “oooohhh yea, that makes sense.”

  1. Millennials need home goods

Female millennials are all grown up and in 2020-2021 they took advantage of the student loan pause and low mortgage interest rates (gone but not forgotten) to buy their first home.

Now they are looking for unique, aesthetically appealing home décor and candles have served that role in a big way.

  1. The wellness and self-care trend is HOT and it isn’t going anywhere

How could it? Once you build enjoyable pampering activities into your routine, why would you stop? Oh, did I forget to mention those activities are also healthy?!

Self-care is here to stay, and it will help drive growth in candle sales for many years to come. Candles are being used to reduce stress & anxiety, practice mindfulness, and to create a relaxing, cozy home environment.  These popular uses are driving growth.

  1. The gift of a Christmas whiff

Candles are one of the most sought-after gifts to give or receive for any major holiday or event.

And it’s not just women. A majority of men also report candles to be a highly appreciated gift when given during the Holiday Season, for a birthday, at a dinner party, as a housewarming gift, or even as a simple “thank you.”

Lets Summarize

The science tells us that visually appealing, deliciously fragrant, flickering flames will make most people feel calm and relaxed. They are a vibe.

The market says that candle sales are on the rise because they are used to beautify the indoors and provide a calming environment for meditation (no wonder they are such a popular gift item). They are a vibe.

Why should spa, hotel, restaurant, boutique, and every other brick-and-mortar business owner care about candles?

They. Are. A. Vibe.

Burning candles in your place of business will allow your customers to catch that vibe and will improve their mood and overall well-being. 

Improving the mood of your customers means more dollars in your pocket.

An increasing number of businesses are realizing this and incorporating a relaxing ambiance in their establishments. Don’t get left behind! If you are ready to take the leap, and you want to leap toward the most cost-effective option, then bulk candles are the way to go.

Enhance your customer experience.

Beat your competition.

Everybody wins.

(except your competition)

We, at Wisconsin Wicks, are here to help you maximize the aesthetic and olfactory appeal of your business.

  • For the visually inclined, I recommend our Gold Top Candles to enhance the ambiance
  • If you are burning in the Fall or Winter, our Fall Fragrances will fill your feng shui fancy
  • Our Floral Blends accent the Spring and Summer months in the most delightful way

Take advantage of a 30% discount and start building your bundle by mixing and matching different fragrances today!

If you are a retail store owner, and you don’t currently sell candles, I bet you’re thinking about it now! Visit our Wholesale Candles webpage to learn more about the market and the incredible potential of selling scented candles in your store.
